Crypto Swap Platform LetsExchange Grew 100x in Less Than a Year

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PRESS RELEASE., an instant cryptocurrency exchange platform, reports the tremendous growth it has achieved since its launch in early 2021.

In March 2021, the platform had 6,000 active users from 20 countries. At the time, users could swap 200 digital coins and tokens, accounting for more than 40,000 crypto pairs. The figures in December 2021 speak volumes about the growth of this platform:

  • 120,000 supported crypto pairs (3x increase)
  • 350,000 monthly active users (60x increase)
  • 170 countries served (8.5x increase)

With 350 cryptocurrencies available and the massive growth of its community, LetsExchange increased the number of swaps per month by 100 times as of December 2021. This achievement has positioned LetsExchange as one of the leading non-custodial exchanges worldwide.

The platform’s rapid development is in great part due to the approach to crypto exchange that LetsExchange has taken. It doesn’t require registration or KYC checks. Users can exchange unlimited amounts of cryptocurrency with an easy-to-use widget. Fixed and floating rates are available for different trading strategies. All transactions are performed on blockchain, which ensures their security and traceability.

LetsExchange is continuously evolving to offer all users and business partners the best crypto exchange experience. Among other updates, the platform has launched user accounts with advanced tools and statistics, which allow for easier management of crypto assets for those that choose to sign up.

The LetsExchange Affiliate Program was another major upgrade. This program offers crypto-related businesses several options to partner up. Big names in the crypto-world have already taken advantage of this program. Together with LetsExchange, platforms like the Trezor Suite, Trustee Wallet,, SwapZone, SwapSpace, and Alligat0r are building a global ecosystem that brings cryptocurrencies closer to everyone.

Considering the rapid global expansion of its services, LetsExchange has localized its website and English-language content to five of the world’s most widely used languages (Spanish, Portuguese, German, Russian, and Turkish). Crypto enthusiasts around the globe can easily use the LetsExchange platform regardless of location.

The LetsExchange team aims at adding more functionality to its current exchange service. Soon, users and partners will benefit from the following features:

  • Fiat-to-crypto and crypto-to-fiat exchange
  • Decentralized exchange
  • Mobile app
  • White-level exchange solution
  • Crypto processing
  • Payment gateway.

You can expect more supported coins, partners, and features that will take your crypto exchange experience to a whole new level.

About LetsExchange is an instant multi-currency exchange service free of registration, limits, and complications. With hassle-free access, a user-friendly interface, and fast automated transactions, LetsExchange saves users’ time and money at each step of the exchange process. With a set of ready-made B2B solutions, LetsExchange is building a global ecosystem for seamless and effortless crypto swaps accessible through multiple platforms such as crypto wallets, exchange aggregators, media outlets, and others.


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