Check Saito Current Price Today.


-2.17% (24H)
Low $0.001795
High $0.001850
  • Market Cap $5.45 M
  • Volume $14,684
  • Available Supply 3.00 B SAITO
  • ATH $0.11
  • ATH(% Change) -98.35%
  • ATH Date 2022-01-03

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# ExchangePairPriceVolume (24h)UpdatedTrust Score

Saito current price is $0.001801 with a marketcap of $5.45 M. Its price is -2.17% down in last 24 hours.

Saito is a Web3 Foundation grant recipient that runs blockchain applications directly in your browser. The network pays ISPs instead of miners or stakers, allowing Web3 projects to self-fund infrastructure instead of passing costs to predatory monopolies like Infura.