Kraken Founder Donates $1 Million To Donald Trump’s Election Campaign

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Jesse Powell, the co-founder and chairman of the cryptocurrency exchange Kraken, has donated $1 million to former President Donald Trump’s 2024 election campaign. The donation, primarily in Ethereum (ETH), marks a pivotal moment in the crypto community’s engagement with US electoral politics.

Jesse Powell, who transitioned from his role as CEO to chairman of Kraken in 2022, publicized his support for Trump in a detailed post on X. In his announcement, Powell emphasized Trump’s pro-crypto stance as pivotal for the future of blockchain technology in the US “I am excited to join other leaders from our community to unite behind the only pro-crypto major party candidate in the 2024 Presidential election so the United States can continue to remain a leader in blockchain technology,” Powell elaborated in his post.

The Crypto Industry Stands United Behind Trump

Powell’s decision to financially back Trump stems from a growing discontent within the crypto sector towards the current Biden administration’s regulatory strategies, which many perceive as restrictive and detrimental to the innovation ecosystem. Powell specifically criticized the “campaign of unchecked regulation by enforcement” under the Biden administration, highlighting opposition from figures such as Senator Elizabeth Warren and SEC Chair Gary Gensler, who are seen as less favorable towards the crypto industry.

These regulatory challenges are a major concern for crypto entrepreneurs and investors who believe that stringent policies could hamper the US’s ability to compete with other nations that have clearer and more supportive crypto regulations. The sentiment in Powell’s statement reflects a broader fear that the US might fall behind in the global race for blockchain innovation and leadership.

Donald Trump’s position on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies has evolved significantly over time. Initially skeptical, Trump has recently adopted a strongly supportive tone towards the Bitcoin and crypto industry. This shift is evident in various speeches, his campaign’s move to accept donations in various cryptocurrencies, a strategic decision that has attracted considerable support from prominent figures within the crypto space.

Notables such as Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, co-founders of the crypto exchange Gemini, and Cathie Wood, CEO of Ark Invest, have also expressed their backing for Trump, citing his progressive stance on crypto as a key factor. These endorsements from leading industry figures underscore a potential pivot in the political dynamics surrounding crypto.

In contrast, President Joe Biden’s administration has not clearly articulated a definitive stance on crypto, but pursued a stealth “Operation Choke Point 2.0.” Despite this, reports surfaced that Biden’s campaign is seeking to engage with the crypto community. The campaign has reportedly been in talks to accept crypto donations through Coinbase Commerce, signaling a possible opening towards embracing digital assets.

As the 2024 US presidential election approaches, the issue of crypto regulation is poised to become a significant point of debate. Jesse Powell’s substantial donation and public endorsement of Donald Trump signal a growing inclination among crypto leaders to support candidates who they believe will advocate for favorable regulatory environments.

Moreover, Trump has hinted at the possibility of pardoning Ross Ulbricht, the founder of Silk Road, a move that is widely supported within the Bitcoin and crypto community. Significantly, Powell’s use of the hashtag “#freeross” underlines Trump’s prior commitments in this regard.

At press time, BTC traded at $61,541.

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